22. Nov 2018 | 18.00 - 20.00 Uhr
Le 253

22 NOV | #GEOEUvalues goes Paris

Under Attack? European Values and Normative Power in the EU and Georgia


November 22, 2018 | 18.00-20.00

Le 253, Paris

European values are under attack. In the European Union, consensus on democracy, the rule of law and other values defined in Art. 2, Treaty on European Union has eroded – European integration based on shared values and norms has turned out to be a struggle rather than a matter of course. At the same time, particularly since the end of the Cold War, the EU has come to increasingly build on European values in its external relations, and to make use of „normative power“ towards enlargement and neighboring countries. Thus, the question arises to what extent the increasing challenges to European values within the EU affect the EU’s ability to pursue its value-oriented external action. How might illiberal tendencies within the EU even directly impact on enlargement candidates and neighboring states?

In order to provide answers to these questions, our German-Georgian-French project #GEOEUvalues takes a closer look at the EU and Georgia. Following a workshop and conference in Tbilisi last September we are proud to present and discuss with you our policy paper on the matter this 3rd December.

After a word of welcome by Alexandra Jercaianu (Argo Think Tank)Sonja Schiffers (Polis180) & Renata Skardziute-Kereselidze (Georgian Institute of Politics) we will introduce you to #GEOEUvalues and our policy paper. Following this, we are looking forward to discuss our recommendations, addressed to European citizens and policy makers, with

  • Christian Wagner, First Secretary Political Service, German Embassy Paris
  • Teona Giuashvili, Chargée d’Affaires, Georgian Embassy Paris

Please register via Eventbrite. For any inquiries do not hesitate to contact us at sonja.schiffers@polis180.org.

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