19. Jun 2019 | 18.30 - 20.30 Uhr
Cafe Playing with Eels

19 JUN | Polis Teatime The (Re)-Emergence of a Global Power Competition

Polis Teatime

The (Re)-Emergence of a Global Power Competition


Torrey Taussig, Robert Bosch Foundation Fellow & Nonresident Fellow at Brookings

We are happy to invite you to our next Polis Teatime. Come and join our discussion on the (re)-emergence of great power competition in U.S. foreign policy and its impact on Europe and transatlantic relations with Torrey Taussig, Robert Bosch Foundation Fellow of 2018/2019.

Dr. Taussig will briefly outline the origins of great power competition with Russia and China and discuss how democratic states can reinvigorate their political systems to defend against authoritarian influence.

As a grassroots think tank Polis180 wants to enable the young generation to participate in political discourse. Thus, our teatimes will focus on your questions! Please feel free to enjoy tea, coffee, biscuits and hopefully some food for thought.

We are looking forward to your contributions and presence!

About our expert:

Torrey Taussig is a nonresident fellow in the Brookings Institution Foreign Policy program’s Center on the United States and Europe. In 2018-2019, she is based in Berlin as a Robert Bosch Foundation fellow. Taussig specializes in U.S. foreign policy, European security, authoritarian politics, and democracy studies. Previously, Taussig held pre-doctoral and post-doctoral fellowships at Brookings. She also held a post-doctoral fellowship at Harvard University’s Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs. Taussig has a doctorate from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University.

This event is the kick-off of our irregular series Diverse Voices in the Transatlantic Relations. The aim of this series is to create a platform for a wider variety of voices – such as diverse gender and ethnical identities – in the transatlantic relations

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