18. Okt 2023 | 20.00 - 21.30 Uhr

18 OCT | The BRICS Summit and its Aftermath: A move towards a „multipolar“ order?

As a recap of the 15th BRICS Summit in South Africa that took place in August this year, we are hosting an online panel discussion to highlight the main takeaways of the summit.This year’s BRICS summit has been in the limelight of international politics. Not only the ongoing Russian war of aggression in Ukraine, but also the announcement of the BRICS expansion by six new member states has dominated the headlines. Watching the BRICS from a European perspective has become more important, especially considering the group’s efforts to reshape the international political landscape. The Russian invasion on the Ukraine and the expansion of the BRICS to the BRICS+ could have significant implications for EU foreign policy.

Therefore, we aim to look at reactions to the BRICS summit to understand the outcomes. Joining us for this endeavor:

  • Dr. Melanie Müller, Senior Associate at the Africa and Middle East research division at Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP) in Berlin
  • Prof. Liselotte Odgaard, non-resident senior fellow at Hudson Institute and professor at the Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies

Additionally, we aim to present more details about our upcoming publication about the current BRICS members and their perspective on world events and the evolution of the group.


Date: October 18th 2023
Time: 20:00 hrs (CET)
Language: English

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