17 SEP | #womenps Policy Pitch Conference
Policy Pitch Conference
September 17, 2019 | 09.30-17.00
Berliner Landeszentrale für politische Bildung
Hardenbergstraße 22-24, 10623 Berlin
For the first time since the start of our #womenps project in 2016, we are organising a research-oriented conference on the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) Agenda! After workshops in Tbilisi and Kyiv, we will come together with project alumni to meet relevant stakeholders in Berlin (the Federal Foreign Office, Medica Mondiale/Bündnis 1325, ICAN), and discuss pressing issues and specific aspects of the WPS agenda. This autumn, we will publish 5 Polis Briefs pitched during the conference and forward them to relevant decision-makers, in order to bring young and engaged voices into the debate.
The conference is open to the public! Please register via the form below. In case of any questions, don’t hesitate to contact miriam.mueller@polis180.org.
We will conclude the conference with an event (register here), where we will discuss Germany’s role in fostering the WPS agenda in the UN Security Council.
The participants of the #womenps Policy Pitch Conference are young experts and students working on the WPS Agenda in different contexts, such as international, national or non-governmental organisations and academia.
During the conference they will pitch the drafts of their Polis Briefs:
Session 1: The Women, Peace and Security Agenda – From Case Studies to Policy Change
- Merle Huber: Gendered Dimensions of Security and the Transformative Potential of the WPS Agenda in Germany
- Anastasiia Tokunova: Two Agendas, Similar Goals? Sustainable Development and Women, Peace and Security in Ukraine
- Sofiia Kordonets: Localizing 1325 in Ukraine: Implementation of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda Beyond Kyiv
- Yeliena Dudko: Gender Mainstreaming and Integration of the WPS Agenda: Lessons from the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine
Session 2: Peacebuilding and the Women, Peace and Security Agenda
- Andreas Holzinger: Peacebuilding in Protracted Conflicts: Can We Foster Social Cohesion Through a Gender Lens?
- Olga Jakobia: Supporting Women in Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding in Georgia
- Dilek Gürsel: Women, Peace and Security in the Turkish-Kurdish Peace Process: Lessons for Germany’s Global Peacebuilding Activities
Session 3: Women’s Economic and Political Empowerment
- Ana Lolua: Socio-Economic Empowerment of Internally Displaced Women from Abkhazia: Challenges and Opportunities
- Ketevan Vasadze: Enhancing Women’s Political Participation in Georgia
- Nino Megrelishvili: Women’s Rights in Georgia: What Are We Missing?
- Yuliia Kondrushenko: Breaking the Glass Ceiling: Increasing Women’s Economic and Political Participation in Ukraine
Session 4: Gender, Stereotypes, and Societal Transformation
- Elene Chargazia: Radical Feminist Perspectives on the Women’s Movement and Media in Ukraine
- Hanna Hrytsenko: Five Years of Invisible Battalion: Radical Feminist Perspectives on Achievements and Societal Impact
- Inga Kravchik: Preventing Conflict-Related Sexual and Gender-Based Violence through Survivors-Centred Approach and Criminal Prosecutions: Reflecting the progress and bringing suggestions for the refinement
Polis180, Ideas for Change and IDP Women’s Association “Consent” are jointly implementing the project “Women, Peace and Security: A Chance for Georgia’s and Ukraine’s Protracted Conflicts?”. In May and June 2019, we organised workshops on the WPS Agenda in Tbilisi and Kyiv.
The conference is followed by an event where we will discuss Germany’s role in fostering the WPS agenda in the UN Security Council (register here).
The project is funded by the Federal Foreign Office.

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