17. Nov 2021 | 18.30 - 19.30 Uhr

17 NOV | TEATIME – Lights out in Afghanistan: Which options for Afghan artists?

Lights out in Afghanistan: Which options for Afghan artists?

A discussion about future options for artists in Afghanistan or in exile

With Shamayel Shalizi, Designerin &
Qais Alamdar, Photographer

6:30 – 7:30 p.m.

In the course of latest cultural regression in Afghanistan, enforced by the Taliban regime, and the increasing and acute pressure on artists and cultural workers to leave the country into a most uncertain future, few appeals concerning the arts have been made by its influential stakeholders. On August 27th 2021 the rector’s conference of German art academies published an open letter urging the German foreign ministry to ensure the evacuation of several hundreds artists in life-threatening danger. 

Afghan filmmaker Sahraa Karimi recently said that we, in Europe, at the very least need to ensure that Afghanistan remains in the international community’s collective conscience. 

In this Tea Time discussion, we will focus specifically on actors of the creative branch and talk with stakeholder guests about the current situation for artists in Afghanistan and especially their assessments of the options for Afghan artist in exile and in their home country.
Are initiatives from diaspora groups starting to develop or would be needed right now? Are there transnational initiatives, structures? What is needed to support artists in keeping up working and supporting themselves while in exile?

We are looking forward to your participation and contributions to this important topic, as we need to rethink the way we will allow Afghan artists to continue working in countries of the EU.

Please register below in order to attend the event.

Any question will be gladly answered by claire.saillour[at]polis180.org.


Our guests

Shamayel Shalizi is a multimedia artist who grew up between the U.S.A, Russia and Afghanistan. As a designer she co-founded https://www.blingistan.com


Qais Alamdar is a photographer born in Kabul, who worked in Afghanistan for 5 years and is currently living in Berlin.  https://www.qaisalamdar.com/mystory


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