16. Okt 2019 | 18.30 - 21.30 Uhr

16 OKT | Discussion: „Ukraine in Histories and Stories“

Discussion: „Ukraine in Histories and Stories“

Polis180 gladly invites you to the presentation, reading and discussion of the book “Ukraine in Histories and Stories: Essays by Ukrainian Intellectuals” at ostPost berlin, Choriner Str. 84 (Berlin) on October 16, 2019 from 6.30 to 8.30 pm.

We are happy to have some of the book’s authors with us with whom we will discuss the book as well as about Ukraine’s perception in the West.

  • Iuliia Skubytska: Ukrainian historian & expert at Internews Ukraine;
  • Vakhtang Kebuladze: Ukrainian philosopher;
  • Volodymyr Yermolenko: Ukrainian philosopher & editor at UkraineWorld.org.
  • Marieluise Beck, co-founder of the Zentrum Liberale Moderne

Mattia Nelles, Ukraine expert at the Centre for Liberal Modernity, will be the host of the evening.

The book “Ukraine in Histories and Stories: Essays by Ukrainian Intellectuals” is a collection of texts by contemporary Ukrainian intellectuals: writers, historians, philosophers, political analysts, opinion leaders. The texts have been written for an international audience. The collection combines reflections on Ukraine’s history (or histories) and analysis of the present, conceptual ideas and life stories. The book presents a multi-faceted image of Ukrainian memory and reality: from the Holodomor to Maidan, from Russian aggression to cultural diversity, from the depth of the past to the complexity of the present.

Read more about the book at bit.ly/UWbook :buch:

The project is implemented by Internews Ukraine Ukraine and is funded by the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation within the framework of the project „Prominent Events for Ukrainian Culture“. The event is organized in cooperation with LibMod – Zentrum Liberale Moderne and Polis180.

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