16. Jul 2016 | 14.00 - 21.00 Uhr
Berlin tbc


Egypt2Dear Polis180 member, dear friend,
in cooperation with the Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences (BGSS), and the Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies (BGSMCS), supported by the Goethe Institute, we cordially invite you to the interdisciplinary

Capacity and Scenario Building Conference
“Egypt’s Civil Society on the Brink? Politics from Below Five Years after the Revolution.”
16 July 2016,
workshops (14:00-18:30) and panel discussion (19:00-21:00)
Berlin (exact location will be announced after registration)

This event brings together young and mid-level professionals from different fields as well as researchers and advanced students from Europe and the MENA Region that will together analyze current developments in Egypt and their impact on civil society in a political context of authoritarian rule.


Three thematic workshops will discuss specific aspects of recent political developments in Egypt. The workshops are each organized by teams of young German and Egyptian researchers and professionals and will offer an open environment to exchange opinions and experiences. They further aim towards identifying trends and perspectives for Egypt’s civil society as well as best practices for professionals, donors and partners working in or with actors in Egypt’s transforming political landscape. A thorough analysis of the country’s current situation will feed into discussions on strategies of how local and international journalists, scholars and NGOs as well as development and international organizations could have a positive impact.

Panel Discussion

In the evening event all workshop participants are invited to a joint discussion with German politicians and civil society representatives, scholars and journalists from Egypt.


Amro Ali (SDN, Sydney)

Andrej Hunko (Member of the German Bundestag, Die Linke)

Dirk Kunze (Head of Beirut Office, Friedrich Naumann Foundation)

Dina Wahba (FU Berlin)

Moderation: Ilyas Saliba (WZB) & Jannis Grimm (BGSMCS)


Registration for the workshops has already been closed.

If you wish to register for the evening panel discussion, please state your affiliation in a short e-mail to daniel.hilgert(at)polis180.org

Please feel free to contact us for any further information not specified in the CfA.

Best regards,
Daniel Hilgert (POLIS180 e.V.), Ilyas Saliba (BGSS & WZB), Jannis Grimm (BGSMCS)
 and the POLIS180 team

This event is supported by the program “Moving MENA”, a project by the Goethe Institute, funded by the German Federal Foreign Office.

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