13. Apr 2019 | 16.45 - 18.15 Uhr
Akademie der Künste

13 APR | Cultural Policy from Below: Bottom-up Process for a European Cultural Governance

Cultural Policy from Below:

Bottom-up Process for a European Cultural Governance


MEP ret. Dr. Hannes Swoboda, SPÖ

Sven Skoric, Goethe Institute Brussels

Carl Grouwet, FDP-candidate for the 2019 european elections

Which Cultural Policy should the European Union pursue? We strongly believe that artists and cultural actors should be influential in elaborating an answer to this question.

Polis180 invites you to the workshop Cultural Policy from Below: Bottom-up Process for a European Cultural Governance. This workshop is part of the conference „A Soul for Europe„.


16h45: Short input into the methodology of the Workshop as participative process and role play by Polis180

17h00 – 17h45: Participative discussion in smaller groups around the list of overarching topics and policy recommendations elaborated during our previous workshops as well as on the online platform Policy Kitchen and reflect about the points of tension emerging in the process.

17h45 – 18h15: presentation of discussion outcomes and conclusive remarks by our guests!

Participate in the workshop and be part of the process for developing a new vision for the European Cultural Governance!

To know more about the project and our team, please click here

To participate please register below.

For questions do not hesitate to reach to Asta Dumbrauskaite.

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