10. Feb - 11. Feb 2018
Anton & Luisa Co-Working Space

10-11 FEB | National Security Council Simulation

Polis180 and “The America(n)s” present the first simulation of the National Security Council of the United States of America in Germany

Regarding increasing transatlantic tensions and recent US-American foreign policy shifts, it is more crucial and exciting than ever to fully comprehend the United States of America with all its political instruments and decision making procedures. Therefore, Polis180 and “The America(n)s” are organizing the very first simulation of the National Security Council of the United States of America in Germany.

We invite 16 participants to join us on February 10th and 11th in order to show and improve their expertise on US foreign and security policy and its underlying processes. Together, we want to simulate a national security crisis and debate reactions, measures and consequences.

The two days program is comprised of the simulation on February 10th and an additional workshop concerning the underlying theoretical approach of the simulation (gamification) on February 11th.

Each participant will represent one individual role represented in the National Security Council, which will thus strengthen their understanding for the diverse perspectives and significance of each field of expertise within the framework of the security council. The simulation will help all participants put former and future US-American policies in situational contexts while disclosing the people who mainly contribute to the process in a crisis situation.

In the end, it is expected of all participants to articulate clear policy recommendations and support individual views about a significant, political situation for the USA. Thanks to the workshop on the second day, participants will be enabled to apply the innovative “gamification” method for different (political) topics in the future. In the end of the two day program, participants will be handed a participation certification from Polis180.

For the application, we would like you to submit a short paragraph outlining your motivation and showing your expertise in US-American politics in the commentary field below. Once selected for the simulation, all participants are expected to prepare two short position papers regarding a previously communicated crisis (one for all other participants and one for the administration team only). The crisis used for the simulation will be influenced by events and reports made public during the simulation in order to illustrate the demands of short term responses without immediate access to all relevant information.

The roles will be randomly assigned to all registered participants. Any further information concerning the exact schedule, crisis situation, and the two position papers will be given in due time.  

The most important facts:

What: Simulation of the National Security Council of the United States of America + Workshop on “gamification”.

+++ The simulation and the workshop will be in English +++

When: February 10th (10am – 6pm), February 11th (11am – 4pm).

Where: Anton & Luisa Co-Working Space, Wöhlertstraße 20, Berlin Mitte

Number of Participants: 16 + President (impersonated by Polis180 member).

Food/Beverages: Lunch (+ vegetarian option), water, and tea will be provided.

Material: Participants are responsible to bring writing material for themselves.

Requirement for application: One paragraph outlining your motivation.

Deadline for application: 26 January 2018

Send your applications to: daniel.weimert@polis180.org

Please note that we regard your application for the event as definite attendance if being selected for the simulation by the Polis180 team. We kindly ask you to inform us as fast as possible if you should find yourself unable to attend the simulation.

The simulation is supported and sponsored by the U.S. Embassy Berlin.

Title Image By Pete Souza [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File%3ANationalSecurityCouncilMeeting.jpg

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