The democratic Panorama in Latin America: Panama

Democracies around the world will elect their government officials this year; besides the much-discussed upcoming Western democratic elections–like the upcoming US elections, Polis180 is dedicated to shedding light on democratic elections in other parts of the world. Therefore, we are proud to present our new blog series titled „The Democratic Panorama in Latin America“, in … Weiterlesen …

The Climate Bridge Podcast: Jesse Scott & Mike Williams – the United States’ Inflation Reduction Act and its transatlantic implications

This episode sheds a light on the US climate policy perspective and its impacts on the transatlantic sphere. Specifically, it covers the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and the intersection between climate, international trade, industrial policy and geopolitics.

The Climate Bridge Podcast: Jennifer Morgan – Germany’s climate diplomacy & feminist foreign policy

In addition to diving into Germany’s activities for COP28 and discussing the conference’s host, Jennifer Morgan gives insights into her transition from past roles in NGOs to her current position as climate ambassador at the German Federal Foreign Office, as well as into the country’s new feminist foreign policy guidelines.

The Climate Bridge Podcast: Dr. Robert Bullard and Nora Löhle – The Transatlantic Fight for Environmental and Climate Justice

The fourth episode of the Climate Bridge Podcast addresses environmental and climate justice. Mary and Kira discuss with their guests, Nora Löhle and Dr. Robert Bullard, the importance of equal protection and equal enforcement of environmental laws and regulations for all as well as analyze key environmental and climate justice measures in the Inflation Reduction Act.

Blicke in die Vergangenheit: Vor den Präsidentschaftswahlen in Brasilien

Die Präsidentschaftswahlen 2022 in Brasilien finden in einem stark polarisierten Umfeld statt. Der rechte Amtsinhaber Jair Bolsonaro liegt dabei in den Umfragen weit hinter seinem linken Wettbewerber, dem Ex-Präsidenten Luis Inacio Lula da Silva. Beide Kandidaten stehen für eine unterschiedliche Sicht auf die Zukunft – und bedienen sich doch beide Ideen aus der Vergangenheit.

Ein Beitrag von Lars Feyen

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The Climate Bridge Podcast: Catherine Stewart – Canada’s inclusive approach to Climate Diplomacy

In conversation with Assistant Deputy Minister Catherine Stewart of Environment and Climate Change Canada, our hosts Tobias Bernstein (adelphi) and Luisa Kern (Polis180) took an in-depth look at the interlinkage of climate change and foreign policy, but also at the role of women and indigenous people in climate diplomacy.

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