When women take up arms and what that means for DDR processes

Female combatants are a reality in nearly every armed conflict today. If we want to design sustainable post-conflict policies, especially in the area of disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration (DDR), we need to make them visible – to understand the different factors that draw both women and men towards violence.

A Comment by Britta Gade

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COP24: Eine Analyse der UN-Klimakonferenz in Katowice

Anfang Dezember wurde im polnischen Katowice das Regelbuch zur Umsetzung des Paris Agreements ausgehandelt. Doch statt der eigentlichen Regeln standen die Unterschiede zwischen den Formulierungen „begrüßen“ und „zur Kenntnis nehmen“ im Zentrum der Diskussionen. Und es wurden blaue Turnbeutel verteilt.  

Ein Beitrag von Kerstin Mohr

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Trendy Tbilisi: where Georgian fashion meets public diplomacy

Tbilisi has recently become the next trendy destination in Europe, thanks to its dynamic cultural life. The growing fashion scene has helped to bring new kinds of visitors to a country that was mostly known to adventurous hikers. In the context of its European integration process, promoting and investing in attractive industries could be an innovative way for Georgia to demonstrate its Europeanness and foster exchange – with taste!

A Comment by Lorraine Vaney

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Beyond top-down democratisation: protests of Georgian students, ‘ravers’ and workers

Over the last couple of years, Georgia’s protesting scene has experienced an interesting transformation – the emergence of self-organised groups and networks, exerting direct pressure on the state instead of relying on political parties and the international community. This blog post focuses on three examples of such collective action – student, ‘raver’ and worker protests.

A Comment by Tornike Bakakuri

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