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29. November 2024

Event report | Polis kocht! Strong man politics in the EU and its neighbourhood

What happens when stability is prioritized over democracy? Can environmental and social justice thrive under authoritarian regimes? These were some of the questions raised on November 24, 2024, during our event Walls and Bridges: The EU and its Neighbourhood in the Era of Strongmen.

We discussed them with Natalija Stojmenović, a Serbian MP (Zeleno-Levi Front – Ne davimo Beograd – Green-Left Front). Drawing on her work in the Serbian National Assembly, where she serves on the committees for social inclusion and infrastructure, Stojmenović critically examined the EU’s support for „stabilocracy“ in Serbia, particularly its tolerance for undemocratic practices in exchange for regional stability. She highlighted the environmental and social implications of lithium mining while reaffirming her commitment to EU values and grassroots politics.

Our three takeaways were:

  • Strong man politics blurs the line between democracy and autocracy. 
  • It connects illiberal actors in the EU and in the neighbourhood.
  • Liberal democracy needs a strong grounding in society, beyond institutions.

Her insights shed light on Serbia’s political struggles and the challenges of maintaining democratic principles in the Western Balkans, offering a compelling call for action to align stability with sustainability and democracy.

Report by Marina Milić

We want to thank our Sponsor the Berliner Landeszentrale für Politische Bildung.
