Spotlight Asia: Milk Tea Alliance Part 2

Spotlight Asia: Milk Tea Alliance – Part 2

This episode of the Spotlight Asia podcast is the second part of the Milk Tea Alliance podcast series.  The Milk Tea Alliance is an online solidarity alliance led by activists in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Thailand, Myanmar, the Philippines, Indonesia and Belarus. Our three guests are all active members of the Milk Tea Alliance and will talk about where the Milk Tea Alliance is currently active and what the core values of the alliance are. Finally, the three will share with us what they understand by democracy and what we can expect from the Milk Tea Alliance in the near future.


This episode was recorded on the 20th of November 2022.


Modertator: Carla Kühleis

Interview Guests: Safina, Ryan, Xun-Ling

Jingle: music by Jason Shaw @

Logo: © Alice Parkhouse, Website:

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