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Cross-Sectoral Cooperation for Societal Change? Perspectives from Georgian Youth

Cross-Sectoral Cooperation for Societal Change? Perspectives from Georgian Youth

by Frauke Seebass, Anna Kiknadze, Jil Kaiser, Nora Pohl, Esther Kern & Jonas Nitschke

We live in a world of complex and multi-layered challenges. Mastering these will require long- term strategies and coordinated efforts across societies – on a global, national, and local scale. At the same time, finding answers to the pressing problems of our time is a shared responsibility of multiple stakeholders , from political actors and state institutions to science, education and academia, civil society, private businesses, charities, technology, media, the financial sector, artists, and cultural institutes. Given that none of these alone can provide comprehensive solutions, the aim of cross-sectoral cooperation is creating spaces for collaboration and exchange, and learning from each other to work together for change.

Accepting this complex reality and abandoning supposed certainties requires foresight and courage, flexibility and entrepreneurship. Informed by international experts, research and practical experience in Georgia and Germany in the framework of #GEONext – Partnerships for Youth Engagement, this publication aims at providing a comprehensive perspective of the advantages and challenges of cross-sectoral cooperation, as well as best practice examples and tangible recommendations for successful collaborations across sectors.

This paper is neither exhaustive nor claiming a prerogative of interpretation. Instead, it aims at inspiring a conversation across sectors and borders based on the recognition that many pressing problems of our time are so complex that none of us can solve them alone, and that joining forces for a common cause entails unexpected and comprehensive benefits for all partners. We therefore encourage everyone to engage in this exchange, to contribute their thoughts, experiences and ideas, and to challenge the assumptions presented here. We look forward to your feedback and welcome your suggestions anytime!