Voices from the Neighbourhood: Reduce, reuse, recycle – Insights from Russia

Voices from the Neighbourhood

Reduce, reuse, recycle – Insights from Russia 

As part of the grassroots think tank Polis180, which has a great network across the whole of Europe, we are convinced that an exchange of opinions, strategies and experiences can help a lot to put progressive issues on the political agenda in Europe.

In order to promote this exchange, we want to introduce various actors, activists and organizations that work on progressive issues in our immediate eastern neighborhood. For our first three episodes, we will look at environmental activism, which is currently receiving a lot of attention throughout Europe and the world.

How global are the issues tackled by Fridays for Future? What problems do environmental activists face for example in Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine or Russia? What can we learn from organizations that stand up for climate justice in our Eastern Neighbourhood? We will try to find answers to these questions and as it says in the name of our podcast, we want the voices from the neighbourhood to be heard.

About this episode 

Where does Russia stand on waste separation? What do citizens think and how are other actors engaging with the topic? In this episode Anastasiya Kuvshinova talked with us about Razdelny Sbor, an organization promoting waste separation in Russia. 

Further information

For more information on Razdelny Sbor (or in English: Association for Ecology and Environmental Protection «Separate Waste Collection») you can visit their website or follow them on Facebook and Instagram.

If you want to know more about Polis 180 and the program group Perspektive Ost, feel free to follow us on Twitter or visit our Website

Credits: Julia Baumann, Johanna Hiebl, Tom Moddenborg, Hendrik Schnittker

Guest: Anastasiya Kuvshinova (Social Media Manager, Razdelny Sbor)


Sources (selection):

On trash in Russia: https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2020/09/29/less-than-7-of-russias-waste-is-recycled-official-analysis-a71587



On the protests in Shiyes: https://www.rferl.org/a/russian-landfill-protesters-grapple-with-what-comes-next-following-court-win/30926164.html


On further environmental protests:
