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10 NOV | Radio ATINATI Interview: “Increasing the involvement of young people living along the occupation line in democratic processes” – Subgrant project of #GEOYOUTH2020 participants

Source: Radio Atinati

“Increasing the involvement of young people living along the occupation line in democratic processes” – Subgrant project of #GEOYOUTH2020 participants

Within the #GEOTYOUTH2020 project, sub-grants for local projects has been awarded. One of them was the project “Increasing the involvement of young people living along the occupation line in democratic processes“ initiated by Sophio Chitanava, Irakli Beraia, and Ana Tsanava – #GEOYOUTH2020 participants from the Zugdidi & Tsalenjikha regions.

The implementation of the project started on 5 November 2020 and will continue until the end of this year and possibly beyond in  cooperation with the municipalities of Zugdidi and Tsalenjikha. The project aims to increase the involvement of young people living along the occupation line with the breakaway region of Abkhazia in public life and democratic processes through non-formal education. It will help to activate young people, form youth teams in rural areas, and encourage the identification and implementation of youth initiatives. The project targets 9-12th grade school students from the following villages of the bordering region: Akhalabastumani, Ganmukhuri, Koki, Orsantia, Rike, Rukhi, Tkaia, Shamgona, Lia, Pakhulani, Chale, Muzhava.

In the first phase of the project (November 18 – December 20, 2020), online trainings are being conducted. In this framework, selected young people from the above-mentioned villages will improve their knowledge on a variety of topics, including civic activism, leadership skills, and advocacy, and will discuss the importance of increasing involvement and participation in the decision-making process at the local level as well as Georgia’s European and Euro-Atlantic integration process on a national and international level. Moreover, the youth will have the opportunity to apply the gained knowledge in practice – to identify the needs and problematic issues of their villages, to plan advocacy campaigns, to mobilize local people, prepare petitions, etc. In addition, the project will encourage young people to hold debates on a variety of topics and organize educational activities.

In order to raise awareness about the project, Sophio, Irakli & Ana were invited to the Radio ATINATI – FM 105.9 morning program on 10 November. They gave detailed thematic and content inputs about the project as well as about the #GEOYOUTH2020. Apart from the interview, the news about the project got wider attention and an additional article was published by

The #GEOYOUTH2020 team is very happy about this progress and  congratulate on the successful implementation of the project!

Project term

01 March- 31 December 2020

Our supporters

The project is funded by the German Federal Foreign Office in the framework of the programme “Expanding Cooperation with Civil Society in the Eastern Partnership Countries and Russia”.
