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Call for Participation – Online Residency for Data Experts and Artists

#Call for Participation – Data Experts and Artists

for an Online Residency on Data Policy and Cross-sector
Collaboration in the EU

During the WirVsVirus Hackathon, Germany has presented a first impressive example of how to involve the general population in innovation processes. This development is especially interesting given the accelerated relevance of data in the context of digital transformation. A culture of cooperation such as the Data Collectives in Taiwan, for example, could also offer the EU various options fot the future handling of data.

To strengthen social self-determination in the process of digitization and involve various perspectives in the reflection on and development of data-driven solutions and technical products, we initiate…

… an #onlineresidency, in which 3-5 tandems of #dataexperts and #artists work together on questions concerning the handling of data in the EU. The tandems receive a fee for their participation.

The tandems are free to choose the following or other perspectives:
● Analysis of the Status Quo
● Concrete perspectives for action
● Key challenges
● Visions for the future (concrete solutions or forms of collaboration etc.)
● Forms of mediation to sensitize the general population to the topic

Over a period of three weeks (7-30 Nov), the tandems will exchange thoughts and ideas publicly on the channels of Polis180 and will receive thematic input on current data strategies in the EU or best practice examples at three online meetings.
All tandems will each produce a white paper, which they will present at the final online event in early December. The form of the whitepaper is up to the participants – essays, action guidelines or even visual presentations are possible. In a small creative contribution (digital or physical), the tandems have the opportunity to manifest their thoughts in a sensually experienceable format.

All whitepapers will be documented together with the previous online exchange on the Polis180 website.

If you are interested in participating:

Please send a short CV to mentioning briefly what motivates you to take part in this interdisciplinary residency as well as your availability from Nov 7th to Dec 15th 2020.

We look forward to hearing from you!

In order to provide an appropriate framework for this important discussion, we will soon publish a project pagee that will expand on our discussions and the entire online residency. Stay tuned!

Project term

07 November – 30 November 2020

Our supporters

The project is funded by the German Federal Foreign Office