Discuss, rethink, envision – Europe at the Grassroots

Ahead of the European elections 2024, the EU is under pressure: Challenges like Russia’s war of aggression, the rise of right-wing populism and the climate emergency can only be tackled with courageous and united approaches. At the same time, forces that seek to undermine a democratic and effective EU are becoming louder and louder. In the political discourse, including debates on reform and enlargement, a certain lack of future perspectives is therefore spreading. More than ever, the EU now needs brave ideas and new visions for its future.

Polis180’s campaign “Discuss, rethink, envision – Europe at the Grassroots” contributes to this aim. We want to discuss and rethink Europe at the grassroots level and to create positive visions for the EU’s future – in spaces and formats offered to young people by young people.


Etienne Höra


Teresa Becher


Our project components

Europa kocht!

In the series Europa kocht! (“Europe cooks!”), we discussed current European issues during community cooking sessions.

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EUROMAT is a pan-european election tool. It allows voters to compare their positions with those of the European parties. It is developed by Polis180 together with the Young European Federalists, Pulse of Europe, The (European) Federalist and other civil society organisations.

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“Voters and experts – Grassroots think tanks as spaces for youth engagement”

Lena Wittenfeld and Etienne Höra gave a workshop on grassroots think tanks and their role for young people’s engagement in politics at the European Youth Event in Berlin, developing their potential as open and non-partisan spaces where politics can be discussed, rethought and envisioned. The European Youth Event in Berlin was organised by the European Youth Parliament.

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Coming soon: Summer of Europe and Wahlprogrammcheck

For the “Summer of Europe”, we collect grassroots perspectives on current EU issues – from concrete policy recommendations to future visions that go beyond the upcoming legislature. A call for papers is coming soon.

For our Wahlprogrammcheck (“manifesto check”), the thematic programmes of Polis180 comment the parties’ manifestoes in their areas of expertise.

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