Humanitäre Hilfe für den Krieg

Über zwei Milliarden Dollar hat die UN-Geberkonferenz in Genf erneut für den Jemen zugesagt, um die seit 2015 anhaltende humanitäre Krise zu bewältigen. Es sind rund eine Milliarde mehr als im vorigen Jahr. Aber was bringt das viele Geld, wenn nach wie vor Bomben auf Zivilisten fallen?

Ein Interview mit Anne-Kathrin Glück und Benedikt van den Woldenberg

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UN Peacekeeping Budget Cuts Force Us to Think More Creatively

In a global political climate where critics of multilateralism grow in numbers and conflicts become increasingly complex, peacekeeping missions are facing major challenges. Enhanced coordination, sustainable training and innovative thinking are therefore crucial in overcoming those obstacles.

An Interview with Benedikt van den Woldenberg and Diego Salama

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Super Election Year in Latin America: Peace, Polls & Populism

2018 marks a decisive year for Latin America with six presidential elections that will reshape the political landscape for the foreseeable future. As the continent shifts to the right and female political leaders depart, the backlash against gender equality and LGBTQ rights becomes inevitable.

A Comment by Lena Riemer

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The Colombian Transformation Process: Why Gender is Key

The end of the Colombian civil war in 2016 and the transformation of the FARC guerrilla into a political party has been met with international praise, especially with regards to the inclusive process focusing on women’s perspectives. While their role is crucial, consequent political events threaten to put this ambitious project in jeopardy.

A Comment by Frauke Seebass

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Foreign Policy Review: Polis180 kommentiert neuen Koalitionsvertrag

Bisher hat sich die junge Generation noch nicht öffentlich zu den außenpolitischen Zielen der (möglichen) Großen Koalition geäußert. Dabei bestimmen die Entscheidungen von heute die Realität der Jugend von morgen. Polis180 hat den neuen Koalitionsvertrag mal genauer unter die Lupe genommen und die Vereinbarungen in Sachen Außenpolitik fleißig analysiert.

Politische Statements von Polis-Mitgliedern

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Die Grünen und das Internationale

Die Vorhaben einer Regierung werden durch den Koalitionsvertrag geregelt. Den Charakter einer Regierung bestimmt die Zusammensetzung des Kabinetts und die Frage, welche Partei welche Ministerien erhält. Bündnis 90/Die Grünen sollten nach dem Auswärtigen Amt streben. Warum? Weil das Internationale zu ihrer DNA gehört.

Ein Kommentar von Michael Knoll

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What I Have Learned from Travelling Through Post-2014 Ukraine

I left Berlin for Ukraine in autumn 2016 with the aim of analysing post-Euromaidan civil society organisations and their support for internally displaced people. I travelled through different parts of the country and interviewed several people in Kiev, Dnipro and Kharkiv. Here is what I have learned about the power of civil society.

A Travel Report by Sophie Falsini

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Peace and Conflict Studies: 5 Urgent Questions of the Discipline

The interest in peace as an academic pursuit originally evolved in 19th-century America and Sweden, and is now well-established in the social sciences. But what exactly do we know about peace and the lack thereof? Here are five important issues about the modern concept of peace and the controversy surrounding it.

A Q&A by Janna Hartmann

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The EU Sanctions on Russia: United in Diversity

While the EU could divide in reaction to new U.S. sanctions on Russia, it should now do its best to not let consensus crumble. The EU’s policy towards Russia has so far not coerced the Kremlin into facilitating an end to the conflict in eastern Ukraine. But it has unified European actors and served as an example of the EU’s strength in unity and defence of liberal values.

A Comment by Elyssa Shea and Niklas Kossow

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