Brexit Heartbreak and the Democratic Deficit

The UK’s decision to exit the EU left our generation feeling bleak and worried about the direct impact Brexit will have on our future. Around 75 percent of the 18- to 24-year-old voted remain. On the other side of the channel, young think tanks like Polis180 and Social Science Works work fervidly to make our voice heard.

An Interview with Sarah Coughlan and Sophie Pornschlegel

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The Irony of Theresa May’s Bold Move

The plan to strengthen her position as Prime Minister by holding early elections viciously backfired. Losing the majority in Parliament, May now has to form an alliance with the right wing Northern Irish DUP. Meanwhile, the results determine her legacy: the woman that was nothing like the Iron Lady Margaret Thatcher.

A Comment by Adrian Eppel and Norbert Wessendorf

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What The EU Should Do Next

Today, Article 50 will officially be triggered by Theresa May. After long months of speeches and debates on each side of the Channel, the European Union now more than ever must prove its courage for decisive action. Because with the outset of the Brexit negotiations come many dossiers and uncertainties to the table.

A Comment by Adrian Eppel and David Tschorr

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Foraus Global Paper 1 | Europe.Think.Again

At the occasion of the Rome Treaties‘ 60th anniversary, we present five proposals written by young Europeans for a more democratic and more inclusive future for the European Union.

What Britain Should Do Next

The British establishment is slowly coming to terms with the enormity of the legal and political cluster bomb that Brexit has unleashed on our society. The UK government and the EU will now define at the negotiating table what Brexit means in concrete terms. May´s government is aiming for the hardest of Brexits.

A Comment by Chris Ruff

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Are Northern Ireland’s Irish Brexit’s Biggest Losers?

In order to prevent a disaster for the Northern Irish, the Common Travel Area between the UK and Ireland must be retained. Here is why the existence of an open borders area between both countries is so relevant and why it plays such an important part in the Brexit negotiations.

A Comment by Kilian McDonagh

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Was lehrt uns Populismus? Demokratien brauchen den öffentlichen Diskurs! (2.Teil)

Populismus ist ein Modewort und dass sich viele Menschen für seine Hintergründe und Auswirkungen interessieren, zeigte die hohe Besucherzahl unserer Veranstaltung ‘Was lehrt uns Populismus?’, die am 11. Januar 2017 in Berlin stattfand. Die geladenen ExpertInnen Isabell Hoffmann, Daniel Hegedüs, David Ehl und Ulrike Zeigermann waren sich einig: Positive Schlüsse sollten aus dem Phänomen Populismus nur sehr differenziert gezogen werden.

Ein Beitrag von Clara Kemme

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