27. April 2022

Youth Perspective on the Indo-Pacific – Conference Communiqué

Youth perspective on the Indo-Pacific 

Conference Outcomes

Polis180, together with European Guanxi and STEAR, organized the first Young Indo-Pacific Forum on the 26th and 27th November with around 200 participants from both regions discussing the most urgent challenges for our generation in Asia and Europe. In this event, the three organizing think tanks – Polis180, European Guanxi and STEAR, with support from Agora, Foraus, Boyma Institut, Australia China Youth Association, Waseda IR Association, The Young SEAkers and the Open ThinkTank Network, hosted multiple panel discussions on topics regarding the European Union’s Indo-Pacific Strategy.

The Conference was targeting the EU Strategy for Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific, which aims to promote a broader understanding of the EU’s interactions with the Indo-Pacific region and the ASEAN, and to look ahead at the direction in which key relationships between the EU and Indo-Pacific States will go. More importantly, we hoped to give students and young professionals a voice in international politics and foster a new platform for an enhanced Asia-Europe cooperation. After the event, a joint communique, which you can download below, was written in a co-creation process by our organisations. The communique is structured around five specific subtopics, namely Security and Geopolitics, Climate Change and Green Recovery, Technology and Digitization, Human Rights and Migration and Trade Cooperation and Beyond.  Enjoy our recommendations to get young people a seat at the table!


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